
In 1962, Phoenix, north of downtown, sprawled with dirt lots, parking lots, and the beginnings of the 22-story Executive Tower high rise. The building was the first high rise built exclusively for residents.

Navy SeaBee Alfred N. Beadle, in his early 30s and already a talented architect, designed the building. It was a residence “in the country,” within easy walking distance to Steele Park, a relaxing area with walkways. It now has two dog parks, walking paths, shade trees, and a lake. Then and now, the park is a welcome retreat from the downtown summer heat.

Downtown Phoenix grew up along Central Avenue, and soon, Executive Towers, still among the tallest residential building in Phoenix, was part of the Midtown area.

In 1971, Moss Development Corporation of Chicago converted the 160 apartments to condominiums. Over the years, we became a building tucked between several historic districts, including Willo and Encanto.

In 2017, Al Beadle’s creation was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. We celebrated with a plaque dedication attended by Stan Dru, the original developer, many members of the Beadle family, and the mayor of Phoenix.

In 2018, Phoenix added Executive Towers to the city historic register.

Additional Info courtesy of Modern Phoenix: http://www.modernphoenix.net/hometour/2017/executivetowers.htm